1. Introduction
Each ARGUS site is setup uniquely for each project. This means that specific information is needed to be supplied to us so that the site can be configured.
2. Requirements
The main components we will require are:
- Fill in the relevant boxes of an ARGUS Specification Excel workbook, which is supplied by us.
- Provide images for plan view(s). The plan view is the page which will display your sensor points and values. Please provide the images in JPG format if possible.
- Please provide duplicate images to the above with notations as to the sensor locations.
- Please mark the sensor location with a round dot and label the location as per the "Argus Display Name" within the Argus Specification Sheet.
- Please supply a raw data (.dat) file produced from the datalogger.
- Please provide a wiring diagram of the datalogger(s)and Mux box(s) indicating sensor serial numbers and their connected channel locations.
- If you wish to have your company logo present within Argus, please provide this in a JPG format.
3. ARGUS Specification Excel
Soil Instruments will raise a ticket through our support site which will have a copy of the ARGUS Specification Excel attached. The red boxes on the sheet will require customer completion.
The first tab will consist of the general information relating to project and also the users that you wish to have access to it along with the access privileges.
The second tab is in relation to the planviews specifying the names and what image files they relate to.
The rest of the tabs are instrument specific, only the tabs specific to your instrument type should be completed. The layout should aid in giving the necessary details for the setup of each instrument type. Important details include:
- Instrument Name – A unique name for each instrument which will be used for identifying the sensor and be shown on the planview.
- Serial Number – If a Soil instrument this will allow us to retrieve the calibration data for the instrument, unless it is over a certain age.
- Calibration Factors and Base Reading- This is very important if the data is in a raw format that needs converting to an engineering unit.
- Data File Column Name – If in .dat format this is for relating the correct column of data with the correct instrument and is a vital part of being able to setup the instrument. If the program has been written by Soil Instruments the mux number and channel will suffice.
- The Planview relating to the instrument and it’s Labelled position – This is to allow us to place the sensor on the planviews in the position the customer wants it to be shown.
The main difference being the tabs are calibration details requested.
An extra tab is for instrument types that are not specified or if the type of calibration differs (ie. An IPI with a linear calibration).
If there are any sections that are not clear please let us know by replying to the ticket created for the project.
If you have any further queries, please submit a ticket on the support site or call Soil Instruments on +44 01825 765044 for advice.
Checked MO'R v1.0 20/05/15