X Soil Instruments Manuals Repository
Posted by on 14 July 2014 11:26 AM


C1 - MAN-073 Inverted Pendulum Equipment

C1 - MAN-074 Hanging Pendulum Equipment

C1 - MAN-163 Automatic Pendulum System

C9 - MAN-171 Bentonite Pellets

C9 - MAN-176 EC Casing Quick Installation Guide

C9 - MAN-249 EC Casing Repair Coupling Installation Guide

C9 - Quick Drive Casing Installation Guide

C12-SIPI - MAN-233 Smart In-Place Inclinometer

C12 - MAN-186 In-Place Inclinometer (Temperature Compensated Differential Sensors)

C13 - MAN-179 In-Site Software

C13 - MAN-252 In-Profile Software

C17 - MAN-180 Digital Vertical Inclinometer System

C17 - MAN-180 Digital Vertical PRO Inclinometer System

C18 - MAN-201 Standard Inclinometer Casing

C18 - MAN-187 Horizontal Riveted Casing

C19 - MAN-202 Digital Horizontal Inclinometer Systems

C19 - MAN-191 Digital Inclined Inclinometer System

MAN-155 Inclinometer Reference Frame

Recon Field PC Getting Started Manual


--Dataloggers & Software--

D1 - MAN-158 Campbell Based Multi-Channel Datalogger (CR800 & CR1000)

D1 - MAN-158a Campbell Based Multi-Channel Datalogger (CR800 & CR1000) LITE

D1 - MAN-232 VWlog8 GPRS

D1 - MAN-235 VWlog2

D1 - MAN-250 Solar pannel Installation Guide

D7 - MAN-228 MAlog

D8 - MAN-243 Modem Logger



E2 - MAN-007 Magnetic Extensometer

E3 - MAN-063 Digital Tape Extensometer

E7 - MAN-065 Vibrating Wire Soil Extensometer

E10 - MAN-012 Rod Extensometer

E10 - MAN-144 Rod Extensometers with Displacement Transducers

E13 - MAN-224 Continuous Rod Extensometer



J1 - MAN-037 Vibrating Wire Jointmeter

J2 - MAN-117 Vibrating Wire Crackmeter

J3 - MAN-147 Vibrating Wire Triaxial Jointmeter

J4 - MAN-115 Perimetric Jointmeter

J5 - MAN-066 Mechanical Triaxial Jointmeter with Dial Gauge



L2 - MAN-188 Vibrating Wire Load Cells

L3 - MAN-211 Strain Gauge Load Cells



P6 - MAN-034 Vibrating Wire Pressure Cell

P9 - MAN-157 Vibrating Wire Push-In Pressure Cell Piezometer

P10 - MAN-170 Vibrating Wire Concrete Stress Cell



RO1 - MAN-230 VWnote

RO1 - MAN-238 VWread

RO1 - MAN-182 Vibrating Wire Handheld Readout

RO2 - MAN-134 Optical Pendulum Readout



S1 - MAN-051 Hydraulic Overflow Settlement Cell

S8 - MAN-140 Vibrating Wire Water Settlement Cell

S17 - MAN-203 Digital Hydrostatic Profile Gauge



ST1 - MAN-126 Spot Weldable Vibrating Wire Strain Gauge

ST2 - MAN-175 Arc Weldable Vibrating Wire Strain Gauge

ST3 - MAN-221 Concrete Surface Mount Vibrating Wire Strain Gauge

ST4 - MAN-142 Vibrating Wire Embedment Strain Gauge

ST5 - MAN-154 Vibrating Wire Rebar Strain Gauge



T - MAN-096 Vibrating Wire Temperature Logger

T - MAN-184 Vibrating Wire Temperature Sensor

T - MAN-239 PT100 Temperature Sensor



TLT1 - MAN-173 Beam Electrolevels, Tilt Electrolevels & HELM

TLT3 - MAN-210 MEMS Bassett Convergence System

TLT4 - MAN-205 Digital Portable Tiltmeter System

TLT6 - MAN-193 MEMS Tiltmeter (IPI Sensor Based)

TLT7 - MAN-244 Tilt Logger



W1 - MAN-052 Standpipe Piezometer

W2 - MAN-046 Hydraulic Piezometer

W2 - MAN-047 Hydraulic Piezometer System with De-Airing Pumps and Readout

W2 - MAN-082 Hydraulic Piezometer Terminal Equipment with Pressure Transducer and Pressure Logger Readout

W3 - MAN-014 Pneumatic Piezometer

W4 - MAN-033 Heavy Duty Vibrating Wire Piezometer

W6 - MAN-097 De-Airing Unit with Manual Pumps

W6 - MAN-104 De-Airing Unit with Electric Pumps

W6 - MAN-165 Twin Cylinder De-Airing Unit

W7 - MAN-054 Water Level Meter

W7 - MAN-213 Vibrating Wire Precision Water Level Meter

W9 - MAN-106 Standard Vibrating Wire Piezometer

W10 - MAN-152 V-Notch Weir

W12 - MAN-194 Solid State 4-20mA Piezometer

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