X Soil Instruments Datasheets Repository
Posted by on 15 July 2014 11:33 AM

--Third Party Products--

W14 - Heron Dipper Logger Sheet 1

W14 - Heron Dipper Logger Sheet 2

RO-VW-5 - Vibrating Wire Quattro Logger



C1 - Inverted and Hanging Pendulum Systems

C9 - Quick Drive Inclinometer Casing

C9 - Easy Connect Inclinometer Casing

C12-SIPI - Smart In-Place Inclinometer

C12 - In-Place Inclinometer

C13 - In-Profile Software

C17-3 - Archer Rugged Field PC

C17 - Digital Vertical Inclinometer System

C17-PRO - Digital Vertical PRO Inclinometer System

C18 - Standard Inclinometer Casing

C19-1 - Digital Horizontal Inclinometer System

C19-2 - Digital Inclined Inclinometer System


--Dataloggers & Software--

D1 - VWlog8 GPRS

D1 - Dataloggers

D1 - VWlog2

D4 - ARGUS Monitoring Software

D7 - MAlog

D8 - Modem Logger



E2 - Magnetic Probe Extensometer

E3 - Digital Tape Extensometer

E7 - Vibrating Wire Soil Extensometer

E10 - Rod Extensometer

E13 - Continuous Rod Extensometer



J1 - Vibrating Wire Embedment Jointmeter

J2 - Vibrating Wire Crackmeter

J3 - Vibrating Wire Triaxial Jointmeter

J4 - Vibrating Wire Perimetric Jointmeter

J5 - Mechanical Triaxial Jointmeter

J6 - Linear Potentiometer Crackmeter



L2 - Vibrating Wire Load Cell

L3 - Strain Gauge Load Cell



P6 - Vibrating Wire Pressure Cell

P9 - Vibrating Wire Push-In Pressure Cell

P10 - Vibrating Wire Concrete Stress Cell



RO1 - VWnote

RO1 - VWread

ROTB/JB/TJ - Terminal and Junction Boxes



S1 - Hydraulic Overflow Settlement Cell

S8 - Vibrating Wire Settlement Cell

S17 - Digital Hydrostatic Profile Gauge



ST1 - Vibrating Wire Spot Weldable Strain Gauge

ST2 - Vibrating Wire Arc Weldable Strain Gauge

ST3 - Vibrating Wire Concrete Surface Mount Strain Gauge

ST4 - Vibrating Wire Embedment Strain Gauge

ST5 - Vibrating Wire Sisterbar Rebar Strain Gauge



T2/T3/T4 - Temperature Sensors



TLT1 - Electrolevel Beam Sensor

TLT2 - Electrolevel Tiltsensor

TLT3 - Bassett Convergence System

TLT4 - Digital Portable Digital Tiltmeter

TLT6 - MEMS Tiltmeter

TLT7 - Tilt Logger



W1 - Standpipe Piezometer

W2 - Hydraulic Piezometer

W3 - Pneumatic Piezometer

W4 - Heavy Duty Vibrating Wire Piezometer

W7 - Water Level Meter

W9 - Standard Vibrating Wire Piezometer

W10 - Vibrating Wire V-Notch Weir Monitor System

W12 - 4-20mA Piezometer

W15 - MEMS Piezometer and Modem Logger

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