? Soil Instruments Software Repository
Posted by on 03 March 2015 12:19 PM
In-Site Data Presentation Software:(Now Obsolete Licences Are No Longer Available, Replaced By In-Profile) In-Site is a powerful piece of software used for presenting Inclinometer data, this piece of software is free to download and use, but you will require a dongle license to import or print data. The dongle licenses are either blue or green in colour, the green ones are more recent. The green licenses come fully ready to use, the blue licenses may require a driver to be installed before use, this driver is linked below. Driver for blue dongle license Sil2PC for downloading analogue Inclinometer readings
In-Profile Data Presentation Software: ‘In-Profile’ software for Windows is a powerful data managment tool used to process inclinometer data. ‘In-Profile’ can create inclinometer databases, manage inclinometer data, generate plots and reports and has advanced data adjustment features. ‘In-Profile’ works with both the inclinometer and inclinometer Pro systems and is not specific to any one type of Inclinometer casing. ‘In-Profile’ provides limited features in basic mode, which is free to use, and a full featured Pro mode, which requires purchase of a license key. ‘In-Profile Pro’ is provided as a 45 day trial upon initial installation and will revert to the basic mode once the trial period has ended.
Field PC Software: Field PCs supplied by Soil Instruments may come in many different varieties, since we are constantly reviewing the market to ensure that the best field PCs are paired with our units. Each of these different types of field PC has its own custom software, many different Soil Instruments units have their own software too, when you purchase a field PC and instrument together, the software is already installed and ready to use, if for whatever reason this software needs to be replaced, it is critical that the correct software is chosen, please seek advice from Soil Instruments if you are unsure.
Microsoft Active Sync v4.5 for connecting field PCs to Windows XP computers. Windows Mobile Device Centre for connecting field PCs to Windows Vista and later computers. Dell X30 In-Port for ±30° Vertical Inclinometers
Dell X51 In-Port for ±30° Vertical Inclinometers Dell X51 In-Port for ±60°-90° Inclinometers Dell X51 HPG Port for Hydrostatic Profile Gauges
TDS Recon In-Port for ±30° Vertical Inclinometers TDS Recon In-Port for ±60°-90° Inclinometers TDS Recon HPG Port for Hydrostatic Profile Gauges
Archer In-Port for ±30° Vertical Inclinometers Archer In-Port for ±60°-90° Inclinometers Archer HPG Port for Hydrostatic Profile Gauges
Archer 2 In-Port for ±30° Vertical Inclinometers Archer 2 In-Port for ±60°-90° Inclinometers Archer 2 HPG Port for Hydrostatic Profile Gauges
4 Channel Logger Software: The 4 Channel Vibrating Wire Logger (also known as the Quattro Logger), is a robust datalogger solution that offers a cost effective alternative to a full Data Acquisition System.
4 Channel Logger Manager (Also applicable for the VW Minilogger) 4 Channel Logger Manager USB Drivers (Also applicable for the VW Minilogger)
Datalogger Software: Soil Instruments Dataloggers come in a wide variety, each with their own applications, because of their differences many have their own software. Data Acquisition System PC200W Software
Readout Software: Soil Instruments readouts allow easy and quick recording of instrument data, these units are a popular alternative to Dataloggers.
Support Centre Software: To allow us to provide top quality support at all levels of the business, we here at the support centre have a few pieces of software available to allow us to help our customers more effectively.
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