? Wavecom Modem troubleshooting
Posted by on 15 August 2011 02:41 PM

Problems connecting to a Wavecom Modem


From the discussion with Paris i understand that you are having issues connecting to the loggers on the Corinth Canal Road bridge via modem. Paris also informed me that you have another logger on site which has a modem but connection via this modem was never possible and the logger now has an adsl line that allows for remote connection.

It would be very helpful if you are able to provide me with the serial numbers of the two loggers you wish to connect to via modem. 
Were these two loggers replacements to the WiSe logger (GL542 2177-170)? 

Unfortunately our systems do not allow us to dial an international logger number to test the connection. 

Checks that can be performed are as follows:
On Site - (assuming the modem is a Wavecom)
a) Ensure the modem has power
b) Circulate the power to the modem and observe the LED sequence
- Solid Red LED = Power present
- Flashing red light every 2-3 seconds = Registered on the network
- Flashing red light every 1-2 seconds = Sending/Receiving data
c) If the LED stays solid red please ensure the sim card has been inserted correctly
d) Ensure the modem is connected to logger as follows
- Modem has a SC-WMI interface connected to the 15 pin connector
- The SC-WMI interface is connected to the logger via a SC12 cable
- The SC12 cable is plugged into the CS I/O port of the CR800 or CR1000
e) Further tests can be performed if a special 15 to 9 pin RS232 cable in available. 

Checks from office.
a) Make sure you have the sim cards "Data Number" as well as the "Voice number" dial each number using a mobile or landline and make a note of the response. Does the modem pickup or continue ringing? 
b) Setup loggernet to call the logger using the sim cards data number, enable sound on the commuters modem and listen to the response of the modem. Does the modem ring and pickup but no connection to the logger or continually ring.
c) If you are unable to connect to the logger more detailed information of the issue may be available in the loggernet log tool.

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