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Knowledgebase : Hydrostatic Profile Gauge > HPG PDAs > Archer
HOW TO BACKUP YOUR SURVEY SETUP, DATABASE 'DB_HPG2.SDF' 1. INTRODUCTION _Re-Installing the HPG_Port software onto the PDA will overwrite the pervious installation of HPG_Port and replace your database with a new blank database. _ _If you wish to ...
_1. INTRODUCTION_ _If problems are experienced during the use of the field PC, such as an error message or the field PC freezes a safe option is a 'Soft Reset'. If the field PC fails to operate after a soft reset, a last resort is to start again with ...
PDA 'HARD RESET' _If problems are experienced with the use of the PDA, which are unable to be resolved with a soft reset or reinstallation of the software, as a last resort a hard reset can be performed. Please consult itmsoil Instruments as your faul...
Using a Archer PDA with itmsoil Instruments S17 Hydrostatic Profile Gauge System _INDEX_ _1. Introduction_ _2. PDA 'Soft Reset'_ _3. PDA 'Hard Reset'_ _4. Preparing the PDA_ _5. How to backup your survey setup, database 'DB_HPG2.sdf...
CONFIGURING THE PDA BLUETOOTH WITH AN HPG SYSTEM _1. INTRODUCTION_ _The connections using Bluetooth are configured and controlled with the 'Wireless Manager' on the PDA. This can be accessed by clicking on the Bluetooth icon under the date and time...
ERROR MESSAGE 25009 1. INTRODUCTION _Error message 25009 is commonly related to the field PC not being able to find the SD Card and can be caused by a number of reasons. _ _2. POSSIBLE REASONS FOR THIS MESSAGE OCCURRING _ _The two most commo...
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