X Sending Back Soil Instruments Products for Servicing
Posted by on 10 April 2012 03:39 PM


Returning Soil Instruments Products for Servicing




This guide details the procedure for returning a Soil Instruments product for calibration or repair and details how the service will progress.


Step 1: Create a Ticket


Login to the support website create a new ticket for the instrument. Describe the type of instrument, supplying the units serial number. State the reason for return (ie. calibration or repair), and when possible give description of the fault and any fault finding steps already taken, as there is always the possibility that a return will not be necessary. Please also enquire for pricing if required, this may not be available for repairs and calibrations of older instruments.


The entirety of the service will be tracked and managed through the support site and originally created ticket.


Step 2: Receiving a Service Case Number and Returning the Unit


We will respond to the ticket with further fault finding questions if necessary. If no further information is needed a service case will be created for the instrument(s) which will be assigned a unique service case number (eg. MO12345). This should be used in all further communication relating to the return.


Using the original packaging if possible securely package the instrument, displaying the MO number clearly on the outside of the packaging with your company name. Also reference the MO number in any shipping documentation relating to it.


Step 3: Service Report and Issuing Go Ahead


Once we receive the instrument we aim to issue a service report within 5 days of receipt. This will detail any foreseen cost with the service/repair and the time scale for completion. We will then require a formal instruction from you to proceed with the service.


Step 4: Soil Instruments Returning the Unit


Following the completion of the service you will be contacted by our shipping department with details of the return.


If you have any further queries, please submit a ticket on the support site or call Soil Instruments on +44 01825 765044 for advice.

Checked MO'R v1.0 20/05/15

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