* Weight setting level for Vibrating Wire Precision Water Level Sensor
Posted by Philip Day on 13 January 2010 03:18 PM

Setting the correct weight position on the Vibrating Wire Precision Water level sensor (V-Notch Weir monitor).

The transducer weight should be set at a height so that the range of expected water level change remains within the length of the weight.

The range of the transducer is 300mm.

So if the range of the expected level change is 200mm and the water level now is at the middle of the expected range of change then set the weight height so that the weight is submerged to half distance.

If the water level now is at the lowest of the expected range of change then set the weight height so that the weight is submerged by 50mm.

If the water level now is at the highest of the expected range of change then set the weight height so that the weight is submerged 250mm.


If you have any further queries, please submit a ticket on the support site or call Soil Instruments on +44 01825 765044 for advice.

Checked MO'R v1.0 05/06/15

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