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Knowledgebase : Monitoring Software > Argus
_1. INTRODUCTION_ _The following kowledgebase article gives access to an ARGUS demo site and guides through the logging in process and then the basic navigation through the site._ _2. SITE DETAILS AND LOGGING IN_ _Firstly go to:_ http://www...
_1. INTRODUCTION_ _Each ARGUS site is setup uniquely for each project. This means that specific information is needed to be supplied to us so that the site can be configured._ _2. REQUIREMENTS_ _The main components we will require are:_ * ...
_1. INTRODUCTION_ This guide details the steps to fix the issue with the FTP scheduler program uploading data on the 29th of February which occurs on leap years. The verification should be set back to true (enable) the following day. _2. METHOD TO...
_1. INTRODUCTION_ _This guide details how to use the "upload calibration factors" function in the edit sensors screen within ARGUS._ _2. UPLOADING FACTORS_ _To do this you will need to create a .CSV file using excel, the name of the file does ...
Help Desk Software by Kayako Resolve